Magnolia Signs
DIY Cornhole Workshop- 7/13 @4:00pm
DIY Cornhole Workshop- 7/13 @4:00pm
Complete your own custom cornhole boards perfect for the backyard, beach or camping!
This workshop will include two regulation sized boards. They are 24”x48” so make sure you have room in your car/truck to get them home when you are done! You also have the choice of the Last Name established year stencil design or you can choose to have something custom made! Please contact us ASAP if ordering something custom to make sure it’s something we can achieve!
This workshop includes the 2 Boards Only. You will need to purchase your own bags for play. They can be found on Amazon or Etsy. We also recommend polycyclic wood sealer. This sealer takes 24 hours to dry, so we are unable to provide this in the studio. We will supply a list of items after the workshop. The sealer creates a slick surface and protects your board from weather and use. It’s not a necessity but is highly recommended!